Frequently Asked Questions:

How will I know if my OC was Accepted as a Bayan Knight?
If your OC has been accepted, you will receive a letter of agreement from us .

Will I get a rejection letters then?
Well, we don't really believe in rejecting people. We are a support group after all. So, we won't be sending one of those ugly letters. But keep in mind that we use a simple process of making sure that we will be using the OC if ever we accept them so it really depends on the timing and if they suit the current story line.

Is there a formula on how to become a Bayan Knight?
I think that the only real formula is to make your OC unique, interesting and well-thought of. We have to remind you that we are not going to treat your respectives OCs as an orphan, it will forever remain your creation, we are just going to put them on a stage for more people to appreciate them. You are still the creator and we expect you to come up with something special for them.

If you think at anytime you can improve your OC, since I believe that these characters are like a living person that can change for the better, be my guest. Inform us, if you need help, tell us. This way, we can do something for our creation while we wait.

That is all for now, I hope these answers cleared things up.

-Gilbert Monsanto

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